The foundation
The CUP&CINO Foundation aims to create a “fair coffee world” by working to improve the quality of life for people in coffee-growing countries. The objective of the foundation is to support social projects and improve the quality of lives, especially those of children.
We dream about using the opportunities we have to make the world a little bit fairer. This social commitment is our focus, and that is why we can guarantee that 100% of all donations do indeed go to the various projects. Every donor can track our current projects on this website and also see exactly which customers are helping out. We believe it very important to allow people to monitor what we do. We want to be genuine and 100% transparent.
“I believe we can make an enormous difference with the help of our customers. Two cents per cup doesn’t make much of a difference for the person paying it, but it means happiness and a better quality of life for the people whose lives we want to improve. Double your happiness by sharing it!”
Frank Epping